Created by three generations of cheesemakers, on a farm in the heart of Cheshire, Eatlean are changing the game when it comes to cheese.
Their milk is locally sourced from their network of Cheshire farmers and bought to the farm where they make their ground breaking cheese. Their ingredients are simple; just British cow’s milk and a pinch of salt. Their process is a secret, but one that they’ve achieved from applying over 60+ years of cheesemaking experience.
With 70% less fat, 35% more protein, and 40% fewer calories than a full fat cheddar…and yet all the great taste and melt that you could want!
Eatlean products
Get in touch
If you require any further information about our products or services, please contact our head office today. |
+44 (0) 1225 794 900 |
Coombe Castle International, The Creamery, Western Way, Melksham, SN12 8FH, UK |